Hello world, my name is Mickael Marchese. I'm passionate about
dataviz and
Here are some of my projects that I've created mostly on my free time.
Please don't hesitate to reach me

Hackaviz 2022 My participation à to the
2022 Hackaviz with an interactive data storytelling. Rewarded by the 3rd price! (in
Explore the color palettes of 14 masterpieces My participation to the 2022 Tableau IronViz
Explore the color palettes of 14 masterpieces My participation to the 2022 IronViz
World Press Freedom Index Explore the evolution of RWB's World Press Freedom Index over the past years.
Tous (im)mobiles, tous cartographes ? This my participation to the 2020 Mapathon contest: a story of how train would be a sustainable alternative to interior flights (in french)
Rennes Open Data This interractive map displays realtime open data of the city of Rennes, France. This prototype was realised for the
UE Dataviz conference in 2019 in order to demonstrate why is data visualisation indispensable to fully give meaning to and take advantage of the data generated by connected cities.
Carte mondiale des chansons francophones A world map displaying every cities quoted in the title of a french song (in french)
Babies and the moon Explore the birth rates in the USA over ten years and see if they are related to the moon.
Dataviz fails A short presentation about failed dataviz and suggestions of improvment using Flourish.
French pizzas Explore what pizza toppings french people like the most (in french)
Makeover Monday week 23 A make over of a graphic exploring meat alternatives or dairy substitutes consumption habits in the uk.